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The mission of the Denton County Special Education Cooperative is to support the participating districts by providing special education services as necessary to educate all special education students. We will strive to empower all special education students in their pursuit of academic success and emotional and physical well being, so that they may have the opportunity to become self-sufficient contributors to society. High standards are set and maintained to encourage a positive team culture, to develop good working relations with all participating districts, and to provide means of professional growth of all employees in order to reach the cooperative's highest potential in delivering appropriate services.

The Denton County Special Education Coop provides specialized services, training, and counsel to five independent school districts in Denton County: Aubrey ISD, Krum ISD, Pilot Point ISD, Ponder ISD and Sanger ISD

photo of statue of a child reading on a branch
Kim Phillips

Kim Phillips

Denton County Special Education Co-Op
Melissa Dorum

Melissa Dorum

Assistant Director
Denton County Special Education Co-Op

Denton County Special Education Cooperative
PO Box 1759
Sanger, TX 76266

601 N. Elm St.
Sanger, TX 76266

940-458-4156 (fax)